Thursday, November 09, 2006

NBLP Pairs SW MO with SC PA

The Southwest Missouri WIB was one of only 21 protege groups selected nationwide as a protege to particpate in the National Business Learning Partnership (NBLP). Jasen Jones and Tracy Lemmons represented Southwest Missouri recently at a kickoff training and matching event in Denver, Colorado. As part of the peer-to-peer matching of protege WIBs with mentoring WIBs, Southwest Missouri was paired with the WIB of South Central Pennsylvania in Harrisburg, PA.

The Pennsylvania group will guide Southwest Missouri on ways to take the WIB to the next level of excellence and impact. The project's workplan includes consulting and mentoring efforts related to use of Industry Consortium outreach, one-stop chartering, new data intelligence tools, and multi-region/interstate collaboration.

Keep track the progress of the NBLP project for Southwest Missouri through regular updates here at the WIB's Blog.